The new CLVA Token from CLEVER DEFI puts its money where its mouth is

While cryptocurrencies have not revolutionized global finance or made traditional banking redundant, they still represent a potent investment opportunity with high yield returns. Unfortunately, many new cryptocurrencies end up being little more than a get rich quick scheme benefiting only the creators who dump their tokens and run off with the proceeds, leaving everyone else who ‘bought-in’ with nothing.

With this in mind, CLEVER DEFI’s Clever Token (CLVA) is a refreshing change of pace. Why? Because the minting begins with 0 supply, meaning that the creators do not have the ability to dump and run like so many other Bitcoin projects.

Bryan Legend
Bryan Legend

Created by Bryan Legend, an 8-year veteran of the crypto industry, CLEVER DEFI has engineered a token that is intelligent-by-design and rigorously tested. The result is a highly stable decentralized protocol that rewards everyone who invests, not just the creators.

Token holders enjoy true freedom with CLVA, having the ability to buy, sell, or spend after the initial minting period without any strings attached. With CLVA, there’s no discrimination, lock-up periods, contracts or staking terms of any kind.

With CLVA, token holders have interest distributed to them on a 14-day cycle, with 888 cycles overall (with the last cycle ending in 34 years). One of the truly brilliant features of CLEVER is the architectural structure that is hardcoded into the protocol, meaning that it’s not possible to amend or alter any part of it, resulting in compound interest payments that are guaranteed.

Interest earnings for the first-year yield are calculated at 307%, with 445% for year 2, and 501% for year 3, increasing to 806% by year 10. Intelligent investors can undoubtedly see the immense potential here, with stable growth guaranteed by a fair, meticulously designed protocol.