Kazuki Tokaji Gives the Ears A Breath Of Fresh Air With ‘Souvenir’

Kazuki Tokaji

Kazuki Tokaji

Kazuki Tokaji has been an artist of eclectic tastes, never wavering or bowing to the typical road for artists – this all comes to fruition with his latest release ‘Souvenir’. The artist is not averse to changing landscapes and nubile tones and channels his unique experience into each and every note he produces.

The Artist

Born in Japan, Kazuki Tokaji (26) picked up his first instrument at the age of 7, kickstarting his musical journey from the first note. As his family moved over to the USA, his tastes and range exceeded beyond his compatriots immediately, he graduated the Musicians Institute In Hollywood in 2018 and began his career.

The young artists career has seen its fair share of energetic collaborations, with the likes of Steve Vai and Marty Friedman. He’s also a teacher in between his gigs, teaching the next generation with style and pizzazz that is a rarity with most music-based educators.

The Latest Release

Souvenir was released on Spotify on the artists birthday (July 22nd) to great acclaim and fanfare. The transformative and hypnotic song is without lyrics, allowing the listener to be transported to the metallic instrumental playing ground that Kazuki Tokaji is known for.

The song begins in a wonderful restraint, alluding to a slow and methodical crescendo, before the real music begins rearing itself and making the airwaves vibrate with riffs that would turn heads in al the right ways.

Kazuki Tokaji - music artist

The electric shredding guitar notes are the star of the show, with the drums and synths sitting in the back seat and being a present force but never overshadowing. The rendition is a perfect collaboration for those who are looking for something a little experimental from someone who knows their way around the strings.

The final few riffs, combined with the slowing background and the raw drumbeats were especially enticing for the listener, as it had the perfect blend of western rock with a hint of Japanese influence present in the tones intertwining in.

We’re no sure what’s coming next for the young artist, but there’s never a dull moment.

You can listening to Kazuki’s music here:

  • Spotify – here
  • Amazon Music – here
  • Apple Music – here

Follow Kazuki at kazukitokaji.com or connect via IG @kazukiguitar